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Ego Computer GO Play computer GO game download OS: Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP and later , 1 Mb

 Ego Computer GO
Experience this go-playing program with nine different personalities. Ego, released by Bruce Wilcox, author of the Nemesis go-playing program, will keep you on your toes. Choose from nine personalities. Earthy likes to build territory. Airy likes to build influence. Fiery is aggressive, which the other personalities switch to when they're losing. Watery is defensive, which the personalities switch to when they're winning. Samurai is the strongest personality, a balanced blend of the others. Leaper likes to tenuki. Psycho starts the game by making a line of large knight moves across the board. One is keen on acquiring your territory and influence versus building its own. Schizo switches at random among the other personalities. These nine personalities make Ego a game that will definitely keep you interested.
Picture 1 - Picture 2 - Picture 3 OS: Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP and later , 1 Mb

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