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Fishing in  Second Life online game
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Play online Second Life for free

Play online Second Life for free

In the Video, it's Traci, Joy, and Jay fishing while they have their coffee in the morning. A great way to start the day! :)

Fishing in Second Life:
Nagano Fishing Club: Join one of the many tournaments held their.
7Seas Fishing Headquarters: popular 7Seas fishing game and discover a fun, affordable way to enjoy the great virtual outdoors.
Neo-Realms Fishing: Home of the Neo-Realms Fishing Game since 2004, this island is a great place to spend a lazy afternoon. Enjoy a minigame or catch the big one in a gridwide fishing tournament.

Enter this world if you are at least 13 years of age (13 to 18yrs parent consent required). A number of free client programs, or Viewers, enable Second Life users, called Residents, to interact with each other through avatars. Residents can explore the world (known as the grid), meet other residents, socialize, participate in individual and group activities, and create and trade virtual property and services with one another.
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