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Jigsaw Genius Play Online Multiplayer Jigsaw Puzzle games OS: and later

 Jigsaw Genius
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Assemble a scrambled image faster than your opponents. Quickly assemble the pieces of the puzzle to match the target image. The game will begin with the pieces "spilled" across the game window. Unlike a real jigsaw puzzle, your pieces will all start picture-side up. However, like a real jigsaw puzzle, many will not be in the correct orientation and will need to be rotated. Rotate and move pieces to connect them. Once connected, pieces remain connected for the rest of the game. Continue connecting pieces, or groups of pieces, until the puzzle is completed. To see what the pieces will look like when correctly assembled, refer to the target image in the upper left corner. You can increase the size of the target image or make it go away completely. You can use the magnifying glass to get a close-up view of any piece. There are several different size puzzles. Puzzles with more pieces have longer time limits. When you finish assembling the puzzle, you will get a time bonus based on your time remaining. If your time runs out before you complete the puzzle, you won't get a time bonus, but you'll still get points for the pieces you connected. Everyone in a particular tournament will get the same puzzle picture.
Picture 1 OS: and later

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