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Third World Farmer online game
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Click on items to plant or buy

Will you plant corn this year, or peanuts? Will you invest your few dollars in a new tractor, or pay off a local representative? Can you afford to send your children to school, or give them medicine? 3rd World Farmer lets you make the hard decisions! Choose the appropriate decisions that will determine if your family will prosper, or starve.

With your mouse, click on items to plant or buy, click on family members for more options.


Keep the Family Healthy - Over time, each of your family members will get sick due to overwork and the environment. Try to save up money to treat the whole family at once, it's much more economical this way. Click on any family member, then click Give Medicine to see your options.

Invest in Infrastructure - While buying a cell phone or investing in a nearby road may seem like an extravagance, over the long term these items will pay off - not to mention boosting your final score!
Credit 3rdworldfarmer.org.
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