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Electronic Crossword Solver Help you solve crossword puzzles anywhere!  Electronic Crossword Solver
Get a little help with your Sunday crossword. Electronic Crossword Puzzle Solver searches through 250,000 words and phrases from Merriam-Webster™, including countries, capitals, islands, mountains, national parks, rivers, composers, heroes, inventors, Nobel Prize winners, sports figures and more. Plus, when you know only a few letters of a word, you can find the missing letters fast. Just input the letters you know, and question marks for the ones you don't. The Franklin handheld electronic device puzzle solver does the rest! Great for Scrabble too. Easy-to-read screen. Measures 5-1/4x3-1/2x3/4" and uses 4 AAA batteries, not included. Ages 9 to adult.
Picture 1 - Picture 2 - Picture 3

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