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Antarez Arena Play Roman Empire role playing games Requirement: RAM: 256 Mb
OS: Windows 2000/XP and later , 15 Mb

 Antarez Arena
Antarez Arena is a multiplayer strategic on-line game. Player’s career can be made through buying and training of units. Time is not limited for that. Resources for a player’s career are gained during a successful combat with the other players or with the computer. Time for combat is limited. All units parameters can be upgrade by training. Some parameters have unlimited upgrade, but some only on 50%.

In "Arrange Units Turn" – is a turn of arranging units on a combat field. A player can move, divide, merge units and also look through information about them.

In a “Defender Turn”. A player can move, divide, merge units and look through information about them. Also he/she can attack enemy units and communicate in a chat.
Picture 1 - Picture 2 - Picture 3 OS: Windows 2000/XP and later , 15 Mb
Requirement: RAM: 256 Mb

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