Butterfly Hunt
PC butterfly game for kids
OS: Windows 95/98/98SE/2000/Me/XP and later 
The purpose of the game is in the hunt for butterflies in a strictly definite order. Due to this game the user develops his associative thought (while catching the butterflies with different drawings on the back), mathematical abilities (while catching the figures and doing sums) and studies ABC (while catching the letters). Exciting game for children of all ages to teach them the alphabet, math and train their associative thinking. The object of the game is hunting for butterflies and arranging them in a collection bar. The game is very absorbing and can be found useful to not just educational institutions but also to parents concerned about planning their childrens education. The game offers 4 different levels; has a comfortable keyboard control and record board. Colorful interface and Low price.
Picture 1 - Picture 2 - Picture 3 OS: Windows 95/98/98SE/2000/Me/XP and later
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