Fat Cat Hearts
Play Hearts 3-player against computer or real people over the Internet
Requirement: Display 1024x768 or higher
OS: Windows 98/NT/ME/2000/XP and later , 12 Mb
Fat Cat Hearts is a computer rendition of the popular Hearts card game. You can
play over the Internet with up to 3 other warm bodies or the computer will
substitute for a human if less than three others want to play. Individuals can play
against the 3d computer characters if desired. The game is customizable. The
computer characters are implemented as Microsoft agents and speak and interact
with the user. When playing an internet game, your messages are verbalized by
the character that represents you in your opponents game. You nead to set your
screen to 1024 x 768 or higher.
Picture 1 - Picture 2 OS: Windows 98/NT/ME/2000/XP and later , 12 Mb
Requirement: Display 1024x768 or higher
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