Ghost Master Scare all the citizens of the city with your team of Halloween ghosts.Requirement: Video RAM : 4 MB DirectX version : 9.0c RAM : 128 MB
Ghoulies, beasties and things that go bump in the night are your tools
as you build up the most horrific team possible to really scare the
bejeezus out of the residents of Gravenville.
In Ghost Master you'll be
managing your team of ghosts to their maximum of horror capabilities
and selecting the right spookers for the job will get you loads of
terrified citizens all sent running to the hills. An excellent sense of
humour and design will really grab you in this supernatural scare
management game. Great game for Halloween! Picture 1 - Picture 2 - Picture 3 - Picture 4 - Picture 5 Requirement: Video RAM : 4 MB DirectX version : 9.0c RAM : 128 MB
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