Ghostbusters Sanctum Of Slime Ghostbusters The Video Game based on the MovieRequirement: Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8600 256MB Directx 9.0c 2048 MB RAM
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime brings paranormal activity to PC
Download! With 4 new playable characters and a whole new team of
Ghostbusters, get ready for a fast-paced battle against the evil spirits
that lurk in New York City to take down Dumazu the Destroyer!
Gain new weapons to increase your ghostbusting gear.
Ride in the all new ECTO-4WD as you battle evil ghosts.
Combine weapon attacks with your teammates to increase the power
of your attacks. Picture 1 - Picture 2 - Picture 3 Requirement: Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8600 256MB Directx 9.0c 2048 MB RAM
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