Pro Bass Fishing 2003 Large-mouth Bass, Walleye or Muskie fishing game simulationRequirement: Video Card 16 MB Directx 8.1 64 MB RAM
Your cast breaks the stillness of a picturesque lake. Movement
underwater ripples the surface. Catch over 20 different species of fish.
Would it be a Large-mouth, Catfish Walleye or Muskie? Suddenly,
there's a tug on the line! What a fighter! Do you have the skill to bring
him in? Create the perfect tackle, rod and reel set-up or pursue a
unique career path through tournament play. Play fishing games with
friends using a LAN or compete against other anglers over the
Internet. Multiplayer: Local area network with IPX or TCP/IP protocol
or established Internet connection (56 Kbps modem or faster
Picture 1 - Picture 2 - Picture 3 - Picture 4 - Picture 5 Requirement: Video Card 16 MB Directx 8.1 64 MB RAM
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