Rapala Pro Fishing Over 500,000 specially-selected acres of the world's finest trophy watersRequirement: 3D Video Card 32 MB DirectX 8.1 , 128 MB RAM
Grab your tackle box, launch the bass boat, and LET'S GO! Rapala Pro
Fishing sets the standard for all fishing games. Never before has a
fishing game brought you all the: authentic Rapala(R) fishing gear,
guided fishing trips with Rapala's(R) Pro Staff, and a BOATLOAD OF
ACTION! Time to set the hook and land that TROPHY of a lifetime!
Over 500,000 specially-selected acres of the world's finest trophy
waters. Picture 1 - Picture 2 - Picture 3 Requirement: 3D Video Card 32 MB DirectX 8.1 , 128 MB RAM
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