Spy Fox in Dry Cereal The spying fox in tough cartoon espionage storiesRequirement: SVGA Video Card 2MB, Directx 8.1, 32 MB RAM
What will children do if Kid succeeds in cow-napping all of the world's
milk makers? Who is capable of stopping such a ghastly goat? SPY
Fox, the super-smooth secret agent who finesses his way through SPY
Corps' toughest assignments, is up to the challenge. This adventure
tests kids' wits as they help SPY Fox use a host of slick gadgets,
including a Laser Toothbrush and Suction Cufflinks. Monkey Penny
provides clues from the Mobile Command Center as our hero takes on
Kid's cast of animal adversaries. It's an "udderly" exhilarating world of
cartoon espionage!
Picture 1 - Picture 2 - Picture 3 - Picture 4 - Picture 5 Requirement: SVGA Video Card 2MB, Directx 8.1, 32 MB RAM
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