Play free Yahoo Cribbage Online games
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Requirement: Java
Play Yahoo Cribbage games 2 or 4 player online totally free. To begin,
each player cuts a card, and the player drawing the low card deals the
first hand. (Aces are low.) The deal shifts to the other player--or in a
four-player game, to the player on the left--each hand. The dealer
(identified by a "D" next to his or her name) automatically deals six
cards to each player. Players look at their cards, and each player
discards two cards facedown. The four discarded cards are known as
the "crib." To choose cards for the crib players click on those cards,
then hit the 'To Crib' button. The nondealer cuts the deck, and dealer
turns the top card face up. This card is known as the starter. If the
card is a jack, the dealer immediately scores two points. (A starter jack
is called "the heel.")
Credit - 2014: Yahoo Cribbage has been upgraded for Play OK
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