Electronic Space Invaders Hanhelds
Mini-arcade system with joystick or LCD versions
Several models of Space Invaders Handhelds are available, here's a few description:
Electronic Space Intruder:
Enjoy the fun of this long-time favorite with this take-along game for all ages. Realistic arcade sound effects and mute option. Battle the evil space intruders and their mother ship in 2 levels, before they descend on Earth and destroy you. Uses 2 AA batteries, not included.
Space Invaders Handheld LCD version
Legendary Arcade Game now returns in handheld LCD version. Features full colour LCD screen, sound effects and soft touch rubberised case.
Betty Space Invaders Arcade Game
ake a trip back to the arcades of the past with this tabletop version of your favorite arcade classic! This arcade game delivers all the action you remember, including joystick game play, authentic sounds, multi levels, and familiar graphics. Game requires 4 "C" batteries, not included. Recommended for ages 8 & up. 6"W x 7"D x 7.5"H.
And more.
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