Yahoo Cribbage Buddy
Yahoo Cribbage Assistant. See all the possible points in your hand
Requirement: Java Sun, Internet Explorer 6.0+
OS: Windows 7, Vista, or XP and later , 1 Mb 
Yahoo Cribbage
online with this assistant. Have you ever wondered if you're seeing all the possible points in your hand, or if putting those cards
in the crib was the right decision? Or maybe you've fell victim of "muggins" by missing the fact that your 4 made a run for three.
Whatever the dilema or reason for needing Cribbage help, it's the cribbage bot Cribbage Buddy to the rescue! This Yahoo™ Cribbage
and Pogo™ Cribbage auto shows you the best hand, available points, and even plays for you with cribbage strategy. Finally there is
a cribbage cheat that no player should be without -- Cribbage Buddy. This specialized Cribbage auto is guaranteed to improve your
game. Contains quick and easy built-in backdoors to favorite Cribbage rooms.
Picture 1 - Picture 2 OS: Windows 7, Vista, or XP and later , 1 Mb
Requirement: Java Sun, Internet Explorer 6.0+
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